
American Neurological Association Focuses on Li...
The links between environmental toxins and conditions like cardiac disease, asthma and cancer have been well documented but fewer studies have looked at their impact on the human brain. Within...

New Report Shows How to Build the Best Zeolite
Bigger isn’t always better, at least when it comes to zeolite. In August 2022, the journal Nature Synthesis published a review which summarizes methods used to prepare state-of-the-art zeolites over...

Heavy Metals and How they Threaten Heart Health
Nearly 18.6 million people die of heart disease every year worldwide, a number that has increased by 17.1% in the last decade. Within the United States alone, someone dies of...

EPA Names Two ‘Forever Chemicals’ as Hazardous ...
If you’ve seen the 2019 legal thriller Dark Waters, you already know what perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) are. You also know that they’ve been connected with a deadly range of health hazards....

Skittles Lawsuit Shines Light on Dangers of Tox...
Former Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch was famous for three things: his ability to tow as many as five opposing defenders in his wake during the relentless march to...

What’s Pollution Got to Do With it? Two New Stu...
Every 36 seconds, someone dies of cardiovascular disease in the United States. It is the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for 32% of all mortality and five of the...

Is Your Water Bottle Making You Childless? New ...
For years, scientists have warned of the negative consequences of environmental toxins on health, linking them to everything from heart disease and cancer to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. At last, however,...

The Hidden Danger of Doggie Bags: PFAS Linked t...
If we wanted to be dramatic, we might say that your doggie bag is trying to kill you. That would be a gross exaggeration, but it served to get your...

New Research Highlights Link Between Environmen...
If you consider wild animals in your everyday life – squirrels, say, or birds – how often do you notice one that’s overweight?

Parkinson’s Disease, Heavy Metals and Pesticide...
Comedic genius Robin Williams and boxing icon Muhammad Ali were both superstars in their respective fields. During his stand-up specials, Williams’ mind often seemed to move faster than the speed...

Exploring the Link Between Osteoporosis and Env...
Unless you’re an archaeologist, you probably don’t think about skeletons until October, when they pop up as Halloween decorations in neighbors’ yards and local businesses. Throughout the rest of the...

New Bill Would Make U.S. Military Accountable f...
On January 19, 2022, comedian Jon Stewart urged the U.S. Congress to take action on behalf of the 3.5 million military service members potentially exposed to burn pits during their...

Pioneering Lawsuit Claims Link Between Heavy Me...
The Gerber Baby Food company’s slogan is, “Shouldn’t your baby be a Gerber baby?” The answer is a resounding no, according to a groundbreaking lawsuit filed in Los Angeles. Parent...

Indoor Air Quality and Maintaining Health Durin...
One thing you can say for wildfire smoke: it’s conspicuous. There is no way to ignore sooty skies, air that you can taste and that prickling sensation at the back...

New Paper Documents Links Between Heavy Metals ...
Check any community calendar and you’ll see events with titles like “Relay for Life,” “Go Red for Women” and “Walk for MS.” The common goal is to raise money to...

Glands Gone Wild: Environmental Toxins’ Role in...
Unless you are dealing with a thyroid condition, the last time you thought about goiters was probably while reading Agatha Christie’s ‘A Murder is Announced’ (Spoiler alert: a goiter plays...

Forget Cookies: Why Diabetics Should Avoid Indu...
For diabetics or anyone concerned about diabetes, the holidays can be a nightmare. Sweet confections abound and it may seem rude to turn down those homemade sugar cookies your neighbor...

Vitality Release Drops Rid of Toxins While Deli...
Dozens of scientific research papers have reported the benefits of specific forms of zeolite on treating everything from toxic waste and nuclear radiation to controlling hemorrhages and healing wounds. Its...

More U.S. States Join the Global Movement to Ba...
When it was first invented in 1946, Teflon seemed like a miracle. The non-stick cookware repelled almost all materials, making it easy to clean and maintain. But the convenience came...

New Bill Targets Environmental Toxins in Public...
On August 5, 2021, three U.S. politicians introduced legislation to remove toxic substances from school buildings across the nation. The Get Toxic Substances Out of Schools Act of 2021 would...

How to Protect Yourself and Boost Immune Functi...
Until recently, wildfires have seemed like a western problem for the United States, like hurricanes in Gulf Stream states and tornadoes in the Midwest. But as of 2021, that’s no...

Recent Lawsuit Highlights Dangers of Toxins in ...
Imagine an advertising campaign that goes something like this: “Buy our hair care products and although your scalp will itch for a time, soon you won’t have to worry about...

26-Year-Old British Man Alleviates MS-like Symp...
For most people, the final months before graduation from a university are a time of anticipation. So it was for Antony Edwards as he prepared to complete an English Literature...

The Role of Toxins in Fibromyalgia and Chronic ...
The experience of living with fibromyalgia has been compared to living alone on an island. Whatever sense of isolation patients feel is compounded by the fact that some persist in...