
Vitality Release Drops Rid of Toxins While Deli...
Dozens of scientific research papers have reported the benefits of specific forms of zeolite on treating everything from toxic waste and nuclear radiation to controlling hemorrhages and healing wounds. Its...

Beyond Sweat: The Link Between Exercise and Det...
Ask most people how exercise helps our bodies get rid of environmental toxins and they’ll give you the same answer: sweat. Boosted by the historical use of sweat lodges and...

4 Key Tips for Using Vitality Release Drops
If you are one of the many people using Vitality Release Drops to eliminate toxins and boost your overall health, congratulations! That barely perceptible humming you hear might be the...

Don’t Fear the Detox: Top 3 Myths About Detoxif...
We’ve all heard the horror stories. A friend or relative decided to pursue a detoxifying cleanse, only to find the cure worse than the disease. Headaches, nausea, irritability, and diarrhea...

Support Yourself During Dry January with Solubl...
A new year has just kicked off and odds are, you or someone you know is participating in Dry January. The trend, initiated in Great Britain by a group called...

Goodbye Ritalin, Hello Zeolite: Detoxifying ADHD
He remembers being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) as a child. He also remembers his mother’s reaction to the doctor’s recommendation that he be given Ritalin and Adderall...

If Zeolite Can Clean Up Nuclear Waste, What Abo...
In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in 2011, scientists used zeolite to treat tons of radioactive waste. It wasn’t the first time the mineral had been employed in...

Soluble Zeolite Aids Miraculous Recovery of 86...
By the time Barbara Richard met the third doctor who would treat her for bone cancer, she had a reputation. As friendly as she undoubtedly was...

Why the Structure of Soluble Zeolite is so Effe...
When it comes to personal health, people tend to fall into a few distinct categories, especially regarding treatments and products we put in our bodies.

How Vitality Release Drops Helped One Smoker of...
It’s no secret that cigarettes contain toxins. If nothing else, most people are aware of nicotine and tar. But until he took a course through a local hospital, Ed Van...

Detox Your Brain to Clear Your Mind
Consider for a moment: what do you think is the world’s number one disability? You might imagine it would be something physical, like hearing loss or blindness. In fact, among...

Doubling Down on Detox: Full Spectrum Saunas an...
“Now go take a stick and start stirring up the bottom,” says Robbie Besner, Founder and CEO of Therasage Premium Infrared Products. “All of a sudden the water gets murky....

Why Fat Won't Go Away: Ending the Vicious Circl...
If you are like the 45 million people who go on a diet every year, spending an estimated $33 billion on weight loss products, odds are you’ve tried and failed...

One Leukemia Survivor’s Remarkable Story and Th...
“I could hardly walk on my own,” Davis recalls. “I couldn’t even pick up my little 16-pound poodle. I used to be able to curl 315 pounds without much of...

85% of Tampons Contain Monsanto's 'Cancer Causi...
It doesn't seem to stop. Be aware ladies, this can have a big impact on your health. We are very fortunate to have a product that can get rid of...

Zeolite Detoxification
Nature consistently provides a solution to a problem if one does the work to look for it. When it comes to the removal of environmental toxins and heavy metals a...

Before You Get Pregnant
When news of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan broke, people around the world - especially parents - were horrified. Over 100,000 people had been exposed to high levels of...

Cause or Symptom
Life is full of choices. We make many of them on a daily basis, some are small and don’t have much impact and others can change the course of our...